State & Federal Contacts



For more information about AIM and the AIM regulations found on this website, contact the relevant state or federal agency using the information below or try your local Sea Grant office.

State Contacts

Please select the first letter of the state you wish to find:

State  Contact Title Organization Phone Email
AK Tammy J. Davis Invasive Species Program Lead Alaska Department of Fish and Game 907-465-6183 [email protected]
AL David Armstrong Aquatic Nuisance Species Coordinator Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division 251-331-7050 [email protected]
AR Matt Horton Aquatic Nuisance Species Program Coordinator Arkansas Game and Fish Commission 501-470-3309 x1206 [email protected]
AZ Kate Dukette (Steighler) Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Arizona Game and Fish Department 480-353-0534 [email protected]
CA Martha Volkoff Program Manager California Department of Fish and Wildlife 916-203-2255 [email protected]
CO Elizabeth Brown Invasive Species Coordinator Colorado Division Wildlife 303-291-7362 [email protected]
CT Greg Bugbee Associate Agricultural Scientist Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station 203-974-8512 [email protected]
DE Michael Steiger Aquatic Invasive Species Biologist Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control   [email protected]
FL Sarah Funck Nonnative Fish and Wildlife Program Coordinator Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission   [email protected]
GA Jim Page Senior Fisheries Biologist Georgia Department of Natural Resources 912-285-6485 [email protected]
HI Justin Goggins Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator State of Hawai‘i Department of Land & Natural Resources 808-587-0095 [email protected]
IA Kim Bogenschutz Aquatic Invasive Species Program Coordinator Iowa Department of Natural Resources 515-290-0540 [email protected]
ID Nicholas Zurfluh Section Manager Idaho State Department of Agriculture 208-332-8686 [email protected]
IL Brian Schoenung ANS Program Manager Illinois Department of Natural Resources 217-558-4581 [email protected]
IN Eric Fischer AIS Coordinator Indiana Department of Natural Resources 317-234-3883 [email protected]
KS Chris Steffen ANS Coordinator Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks 620-342-0658 [email protected]
KY Joshua Tompkins Fisheries Program Coordinator Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources 270-226-4192 [email protected]
LA Bobby Reed  Aquatic Invasive Species Biologist Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries 337-491-2576 [email protected]
MA Jim Straub Lakes and Ponds Program Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation 617-626-1411

[email protected]

MD Jonathan McKnight Natural Heritage Program Associate Director Maryland Department of Natural Resources 410-260-8539

[email protected]

ME John McPhedran Biologist Maine Department of Environmental Protection 207-215-9863 [email protected]
MI Sarah LeSage Aquatic Biologist Michigan Department of Environmental Quality 517-243-4735 [email protected]
MN Heidi Wolf  Invasive Species Program Supervisor Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 651-259-5152 [email protected]
MO Angela Sokolowski Invasive Species Coordinator Missouri Department of Conservation 573-522-4115 x 3641

[email protected]

MS Dennis Riecke Fisheries Bureau CAP Coordinator Mississippi Department Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks 601-432-2207 [email protected]
MT Thomas Woolf Aquatic Invasive Species Bureau Chief Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 406-444-1230 [email protected]
NC Rob Nichols  Fisheries Resource Specialist North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 919-896-6254 [email protected] 
ND Ben Holen ANS Coordinator North Dakota Game and Fish Department 701-368-9117 [email protected]
NE Allison Zach Invasive Species Project Coordinator University of Nebraska – Lincoln 402-472-3133 [email protected]
NH Scott Decker Inland Fisheries Program Supervisor New Hampshire Fish and Game Department 603-271-2491 [email protected]
NJ Lisa Barno Chief of Freshwater Fisheries New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife 609-292-8642 [email protected]
NM James Dominguez AIS Coordinator New Mexico Department of Game and Fish 505-476-8163 [email protected]
NV Kevin Netcher AIS Coordinator Nevada Department of Wildlife 775-688-1532 [email protected]
NY Catherine McGlynn Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator  New York Department of Environmental Conservation 518-408-0436 [email protected]
OH John Navarro Program Administrator Ohio Department of Natural Resources 614-265-6346 [email protected]
OK Curtis Tackett Fisheries Biologist Oklahoma Department of Wildlife and Conservation 918-683-1031 [email protected]
OR Rick Boatner Invasive Species Wildlife Integrity Supervisor Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 503-947-6308 [email protected]
PA Jim Grazio Great Lakes Biologist Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 814-217-9636 [email protected]
RI Hope Leeson Botanist Rhode Island Natural History Survey  401-874-5822 [email protected]
SC Peter Kingsley-Smith Senior Marine Scientist South Carolina Department of Natural Resources 843-953-9840 [email protected]
SD Tanner Davis Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks 605-367-5244 [email protected]
TN David Roddy ANS Coordinator Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 615-781-6570 [email protected]
TX Monica McGarrity Senior Scientist for Aquatic Invasive Species Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 512-552-3465 [email protected]
UT Nathan Owens Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Utah Division of Wildlife Resources 385-239-0861 [email protected]
VA Mike Pinder Fisheries Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries 504-961-8387 [email protected]
VT Josh Mulhollem AIS Management Coordinator Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation 802-490-6121 [email protected]
WA Allen Pleus AIS Coordinator Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 360-902-2724 [email protected]
WI Robert Wakeman Lakes and Wetlands Section Chief Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 262-574-2149 [email protected]
WV Chris O’Bara Biologist West Virginia Division of Natural Resources 304-558-2771 Chris.J.O’[email protected]
WY Josh Leonard Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Wyoming Game and Fish Department 307-721-1374 [email protected]
WY Slade Franklin Weed and Pest Coordinator Wyoming Department of Agriculture 307-777-6585 [email protected]

Federal Contacts

Region States Included Contact Title Organization Phone Email
Alaska Alaska Aaron E. Martin Regional AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 907-786-3510 [email protected]
Alaska Alaska Mike Buntjer Regional Fish And Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 907-786-3559 [email protected]
Alaska Alaska Lisa Dlugolecki North Regional EDRR Project Manager U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 907-455-1840 [email protected]
Alaska Alaska Ben Wishnek South Regional EDRR Project Manager U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 907-251-0692 [email protected]
California and Nevada  CA, NV Cesar Cadena Blanco Regional AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 916-978-6190 [email protected]
Great Lakes-Big Rivers IA, IN, OH, MI, MN, MO, WI Amy McGovern Regional AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 612-713-5109 [email protected]
Great Lakes-Big Rivers IA, IN, OH, MI, MN, MO, WI Nick Frohnauer eDNA and Early Detection Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 612-431-5829 [email protected]
Great Lakes-Big Rivers IA, IN, OH, MI, MN, MO, WI Katherine “Kate” Wyman-Grothem POC for the Risk Assessment Program U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 612-713-5147 [email protected]
Great Lakes-Big Rivers IA, IN, OH, MI, MN, MO, WI Greg Conover Mississippi River Basin Regional Panel Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 618-997-6869 [email protected]
Great Lakes-Big Rivers IA, IN, OH, MI, MN, MO, WI Mike Weimer Alternate Invasive Carp Contact U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 703-517-7624 [email protected]
Hawaii and Pacific Islands Hawaii and Pacific Islands Joshua Fisher AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 808-792-9452 [email protected]
Idaho  Idaho Laura Sprague Fishery Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 360-688-4233 [email protected]
Mountain-Prairie CO, KS, MT, ND, NE, SD, UT, WY Joanne Grady Regional AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 303-236-4519 [email protected] 
Nationwide   Craig Martin Branch Chief of Aquatic Invasive Species U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 703-358-1923 [email protected]
Nationwide   Dolores Savignano Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  703-358-1864 [email protected]
Nationwide   Don MacLean Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 703-358-2108

[email protected]

Nationwide   Susan Jewel Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 703-358-2416 [email protected]  
Nationwide   Susan Pasko Executive Secretary U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 703-358-2466 [email protected]
Northeast CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, VA, WV Sandra Keppner Regional AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 585-948-7039 [email protected]
Northeast CT, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, VA, WV Heidi Himes Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 585-948-7048 [email protected]
Oregon Oregon Jen Poirier Fish Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 360-604-2539 [email protected]
Pacific HI, ID, OR, WA, Pacific Islands Theresa Thom Regional AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 971-278-8029 [email protected] 
Southeast AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN Cindy A. Williams Regional AIS Coordinator  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  404-679-4148 [email protected]
Southeast AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN John Galvez Alternate SE Contact U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 772-469-4314 [email protected]
Southwest AZ, NM, TX, OK Barak Shemai Regional AIS Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 505-248-6593 [email protected] 
Western Washington Washington Carrie Cook-Tabor Fish Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 360-742-6988 [email protected]